Sylvan Highlands Neighborhood Association Needs You!


  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer

Officer Job Descriptions:

-Prepare Board Meeting Agenda
-Prepare Membership Meeting Agenda to be published in advance of monthly meeting
-Coordinate guest speakers presenting at Membership Meetings
-Run meetings
-Community outreach for SHNA events

Events managed:
-Zoo Lights
-Food & Fund Drive
-Secured donations from local businesses for volunteers for SOLVE events
-Planned & Coordinated All Good in the Hood Party

Vice President
Be prepared to step in for the President in the event of an absence. Participate in planning meetings with the Board to prepare the agenda in advance of the membership meetings.


-Prepare draft meeting minutes for each monthly membership meeting.
-Circulate minutes to the Board members for corrections and revisions by email.
-After minutes have been approved at a meeting, send them over to the NWNW Coalition Office for record-keeping and posting on SHNA website.

Events managed:
– Write Small Grants to fund enhanced outreach and communication within the neighborhood. Execute the grant. Report results of the Small Grant Award at the end of the allocation period.
– Put out street signs one week in advance of each meeting or event. Signs are kept at a coordinated board members house.
– Coordinate guest speakers and offered topics for membership meetings.
– Print and deliver flyers to advertise meetings throughout the entire neighborhood. Coordinated with other Board members and an occasional volunteer to help deliver flyers.
– Organize and run SOLVE cleanup events twice a year.

Communicaitons Chair

Land Use

Board Members from Area Positions

Contacts Us of Your Interest!

Email the SHNA Board directly.

Join our Facebook Page or Nextdoor Community to be in the know!